Eyom Digital Encylopedia

Town: Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà

Town: Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà
Example Wareneese architecture.
StateWarrenese Shogunate
ProvenceBæru̽sa Vu̽ Empire
Sub ProvencePuqasube Parish
RegionVdral Na Forest
Community LeaderLaird Shtumgli Chebedric Èbmëmêm Zêbmtêye
Area5 km2 (2 mi2)
Average Yearly Temp6°C (42°F)
Average Elevation1832 m (6010 ft)
Average Yearly Precipitation266 cm/y (104 in/y)
Population Density266 people per km2 (665 people per mi2)
Town AuraWild Magic
Native nameÛs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà
Pronunciation/ˈʊs̺u̽/ /vʊˈvɪːmo/
Direct Translation[neat] [garbage; trash; rubbish]
Translation[Not Yet Translated]

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà (/ˈʊs̺u̽/ /vʊˈvɪːmo/ [neat] [garbage; trash; rubbish]) is a temperate Town located in Puqasube Parish, Bæru̽sa Vu̽ Empire, within the Warrenese Shogunate.

The name Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà is derived from the Wareneese language, as Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà was founded by Shtumgli Chebedric Èbmëmêm, who was culturaly Wareneese.


Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has a yearly average temperature of 6°C (42°F), with its average temperature during the summer being an icy 23°C (73°F) and its average temperature during the winter being a freezing -10°C (14°F). Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà receives an average of 266 cm/y (104 in/y) of precipitation, most of which comes in the form of snow during the pleasantly short winter months. Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà covers an area of nearly 5 km2 (2 mi2), and an average elevation of 1832 m (6010 ft) above sea level.


Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà was founded durring the late 13th century in spring of the year 1173, by Shtumgli Chebedric Èbmëmêm. The establishment of Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà was somewhat plagued by a lack of willing colonists, leading to Shtumgli Chebedric Èbmëmêm electing to pay people to resettle in Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà .

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà was built using the conventions of Wareneese durring the late 13th century. Naturaly, all settlmentss have their own look to them, and Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà is no diffrent. The town's buildings feature timber framed wooden shiethed or brick construction, which gives form to a very formalized, rational, expence effishent arcatectural style based on strictly symmetrical designs which universaly feature pitched roofs, shutters, and the occasional column or pilaster for a decorative touch.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà is buildings folow an organic layout of crampt cobblestone streets whihch gives the town a shape simmilar to a tree, if one views its streets from above. The town sits behind an impressive looking clay brick wall. The wall is notable for querried stone blocks being used to renforce the clay bricks in the expected manner and locations. While the wall was built to the exact specifications of modern fortifications, one has to wonder why the money invested into creating such a well fortified wall wasnt spent on a less impressive looking wall crated from sturdier materials. Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's walls would endure a brief bombardment, but only from light siege weapons. It seems more likly the town's walls were not designed with defence in mind but rather lending the town a certain air with visitors. The town's boondoggle-of-a-fortified wall have recently undergone extensive repairs and renovations, such that the repairwork is imeadiently apparent and can be spotted due to the diffring ages of materials. One can't help but wonder what brought the need for those repairs to the town.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà seems to be abandoned at first. There are people present, working their trades and going about their business like any community, it’s just they are absurdly quiet. Just as you start to think there might be trouble, you see most of them are smiling, quietly exchanging words with a friend, or simply enjoying the day as they work. It reminds you of an evening at home as everyone dined, having run out of things to talk about and embraced the savory meal before them.

Civic Infrastructure

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has an Office of Civil Groundskeeping, which works to enforce local ordinances relating to the construction and upkeep up of all plant life, water features, and other natural decorations within Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà . They are also responsible for the maintenance of these features. Notably, the OCG is not responsible for Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's parks.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has an Office of Civil Vicary, which is responsible for providing a livelyhood for all officialy recognised religious figures within Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà .

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has a Gravedigger's Guild, which is responsible for collecting the dead and laying them to rest according to all applicable laws and religious customs.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has a Department of Firefighters, which is responsible for organizing fire fighting efforts during a fire and enforcing local ordinances relating to fire safety.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has a Highwayman's Guild, which is tasked with maintaining the roads and highways leading into town as well as keeping them safe for travelers.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has a monistary of an order of Civil Monks, who provide divine-related services to the general public and maintain Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's public wards, blessings, and other arcane systems.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà possesses a Galvanic Power Grid, which brings galvanic current to most if not all buildings in town, and permits a great many consumer goods to function within the Town. Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's grid is powered by an arcane means.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has a Parks and Recreation Department, which is responsible for the construction, management, and usage rights for all of its parks and parklands. They are not to be confused with the Office of Civil Groundskeeping as they do not hold authority over nor responsibility for Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's natural decorations nor waterways.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has a public schooling program overseen by the Hall of Sages who has the responsibility of ensuring access to affordable high-quality education in all basic classes (Reading, Writing, Mathmatics, General Sciences, General Arcana, and Social Education) is made available to all citizens.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà has a public septic system, which allows its citizens to have indoor bathrooms. The septic system is overseen by the League of Sewerkeepers, who posses the legal authority to enforce all laws relating to the septic system, and are also tasked with its maintenance and upkeep.

Cultural Notes

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's citizens locals enjoy many vices and lustful appetites. They may have religious sanction for their deeds, or neighbors might trade with them for such things, or they could be followers of some ideology that blesses such pursuits. Their economy or their social organization is usually heavily reliant on such traffic, and to ensure its continuance they may have made bargains with various mortal and immortal powers.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's chapel was built using a different architectural style from the rest of the town. The style used is known primarily for its use of abstraction and simplicity. Clean lines, right angles, and primary colors characterized this aesthetic and art movement expressed via architecture and paintings. Its design ethos allows only primary colors and non-colors, only squares and rectangles, only straight and horizontal or vertical lines. Vertical and horizontal lines are positioned in layers or planes that do not intersect, thereby allowing each element to exist independently and unobstructed by other elements. These seemingly impossible principals for an architectural style coalesces into structures which most experts find hard to put into words. It is not that their geometry is impossible, but rather the style's attempt at producing works only describable visually was most successful..

Due to the actions of local Kami, spring is recurring in Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà .

The Ice Elemental, Medium near Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà are known to be more aggressive than normal.

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's citizens partake in a curious ritual relating to their local kami. It takes place in winter and involves performance art to channel Mysticism energies of tier 3 via recitation of poetic epics.


The following information was obtained via the Imperial Census Bureau as part of the Eyom Economic Outreach Program. It differs from Standard Imperial censuses in that many of Tom's citizens, regardless of culture, work in more than one occupation or hold more than a single job. The Imperial Census Bureau has ruled that a job is a job, hence, the intigers within the data presented here can count an individual more than once.


  • Dairy Farmers: 2
  • Farmers: 3
  • Farm Laborer: 8
  • Hunters: 5
  • Milk Maids: 3
  • Ranchers: 1
  • Ranch Hands: 3
  • Shepherds: 3
    • Farmland: 5417 m2
    • Cattle and Similar Creatures: 332
    • Poultry: 3993
    • Swine: 266
    • Sheep: 13
    • Goats: 2
    • Horses, Mounts, and Beasts of Burden: 133


  • Arms and Toolmakers: 2
  • Blacksmiths: 2
  • Bookbinders: 1
  • Buckle-makers: 1
  • Cabinetmakers: 3
  • Candlemakers: 4
  • Carpenters: 4
  • Clothmakers: 3
  • Coach and Harness Makers: 1
  • Coopers: 3
  • Copper, Brass, Tin, Zinc, and Lead Workers: 1
  • Copyists: 1
  • Cutlers: 1
  • Fabricworkers: 3
  • Farrier: 8
  • Glassworkers: 4
  • Gunsmiths: 2
  • Harness-Makers: 1
  • Hatters: 2
  • Jewelers: 1
  • Leatherwrights: 3
  • Locksmiths: 1
  • Matchstick makers: 2
  • Musical Instrument Makers: 1
  • Painters, Structures and Fixtures: 1
  • Paper Workers: 1
  • Plasterers: 1
  • Pursemakers: 2
  • Roofers: 1
  • Ropemakers: 1
  • Rugmakers: 1
  • Saddlers: 2
  • Scabbardmakers: 2
  • Scalemakers: 1
  • Sculptors, Structures and Fixtures: 1
  • Shoemakers: 1
  • Soap and Tallow Workers: 4
  • Tailors: 7
  • Tanners: 1
  • Upholsterers: 1
  • Watchmakers: 1
  • Weavers: 4
  • Whitesmiths: 1


  • Beer-Sellers: 1
  • Booksellers: 2
  • Butchers: 3
  • Chandlers: 3
  • Chicken Butchers: 3
  • Entrepreneurs: 1
  • Fine Clothiers: 3
  • Fishmongers: 3
  • Potion Sellers: 2
  • Resellers: 5
  • Spice Merchants: 1
  • Wine-sellers: 2
  • Wheelwright: 2
  • Woodsellers: 1

Service workers

  • Bakers: 6
  • Barbers: 6
  • Coachmen: 1
  • Cooks: 5
  • Doctors: 2
  • Gamekeepers: 2
  • Grooms: 1
  • Hairdressers: 4
  • Healers: 3
  • Housekeepers: 3
  • Housemaids: 6
  • House Stewards: 4
  • Inns: 1
  • Laundry maids: 2
  • Maidservants: 4
  • Nursery Maids: 2
  • Pastrycooks: 4
  • Restaurateur: 4
  • Tavern Keepers: 5

Specialized Laborer

  • Ashworkers: 1
  • Bleachers: 1
  • Coal Heavers: 2
  • In-Town Couriers: 3
  • Long Haul Couriers: 3
  • Dockyard Workers: 2
  • Hay Merchants: 1
  • Leech Collectors: 3
  • Millers: 3
  • Miners: 3
  • Oilmen and Polishers: 2
  • Postmen: 3
  • Pure Finder: 1
  • Skinners: 4
  • Tosher: 2
  • Warehousemen: 4
  • Watercarriers: 2
  • Watermen, Bargemen, etc.: 4

Skilled Laborers

  • Accountants: 1
  • Alchemist: 1
  • Clerk: 2
  • Dentists: 1
  • Educators: 3
  • Engineers: 1
  • Gardeners: 1
  • Mages: 1
  • Plumbers: 1
  • Pharmacist: 1
  • Scientists: 1

Civil Servants

  • Adventurers: 1
  • Bankers: 1
  • Civil Clerks: 2
  • Civic Iudex: 1
  • Exorcist: 3
  • Fixers: 1
  • Kami Clerk: 2
  • Landlords: 2
  • Lawyers: 1
  • Legend Keepers: 2
  • Militia Officers: 13
  • Monks, Monastic: 4
  • Monks, Civic: 4
  • Historian, Oral: 3
  • Historian, Textual: 1
  • Policemen, Sheriffs, etc.: 2
  • Priests: 5
  • Rangers: 1
  • Rat Catchers: 1
  • Scholars: 2
  • Spiritualist: 2
  • Storytellers: 4
  • Military Officers: 4

Cottage Industries

  • Brewers: 4
  • Comfort Services: 4
  • Enchanters: 1
  • Herbalists: 1
  • Jaminators: 4
  • Needleworkers: 4
  • Potters: 2
  • Preserve Makers: 3
  • Quilters: 1
  • Seamsters: 7
  • Spinners: 4
  • Tinker: 1
  • Weaver: 3


  • Actors: 1
  • Bards: 2
  • Dancers: 1
  • Engravers: 1
  • Glaziers: 1
  • Inlayers: 1
  • Musicians: 3
  • Playwrights: 1
  • Sculptors, Art: 1
  • Wood Carvers: 4
  • Writers: 4

Produce Industries

  • Butter Churners: 4
  • Canners: 3
  • Cheesmakers: 4
  • Millers: 2
  • Picklers: 2
  • Smokers: 1
  • Stockmakers: 1
  • Tobacconists: 2
  • Tallowmakers: 2

412 of Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's population work within a Foundational Occupation.

853 of Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà 's population do not work in a formal occupation, but do contribute to the local economy. 66 (5%) are noncontributers.

Points of Interest

Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà is known for its unusual rock formations.



In time immemorial, reportedly some time during the early 2nd century Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà experienced an impossibly long, cold, and stormy winter unlike anything seen before. The worst of the disaster struck The storm coated everything in a thick layer of ice and freezing countless animals, plants, and people to death. Ûs̺u̽ Vûvîmo Kîchyà lost 263 people, and 394 livestock in the disaster.. The disaster is remembered as the Mourning Screams, after the sounds of the winds.
